Sunday, April 10, 2011

How to make a Homemade Worm Harvester

Things you will need:

Large Tote with lid
Wire Cutters
1/4" Gauge Mesh Wire
Staple Gun/staples

Worm Harvester
Cut center of the lid out leaving 11/2" to 2" from lip of lid. Measure wire needed to cover open area and cut. Place wire over area and staple wire to lid covering area. Turn lid over and press staple ends down with pliers. You now have a cheap and easy homemade worm harvester. You can use duct tape in place of staples, you will need to replace regularly.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Debating on how I want to design my new beds. Do I want concrete or above ground. Above ground would be better to keep the ants out, but concrete would be easier to work. Which way should I go? Years ago I was told that ants were not an enemy to worms, but I learned the hard way that ants are enemies to everything.

Worms and Me

Slim- every notice that green slimy slim on top of ponds. Well the other day I was cleaning the top of my pond and was wondering what I could do with all that gump and thought of my wormbeds. I decided to put some in the beds to see what would happen, I put a small amount in each bed careful not to put too much, cause I didn't want to kill them. I went back three days later and to my amaze my worms had doubled in size. Can feed worms and clean pond all at once. Amazing how experimenting can teach you something new.